Tuesday, February 2, 2010


Just as he promised I received a pic and an update from my Roscoe. He's such a good boy (and handsome too).

Mommy...Hi Again!
Here’s one of the photos that I promised. It was taken right after my trip to the salon. My dad said that I was just supposed to get a bath and my nails clipped, but the nice lady there said that, “I was too cute not to be able to see my eyes.” Dad was real surprised, and said I looked like a poofy black dust wand and smelled like a Swiffer pad...whatever that is. Some people he knows thought I looked like someone named George Harrison. Dad said he’s thinking of going somewhere else next time, although I met some new friends. That part was fun.
Things here are pretty great. I help my dad get Eliza off to school each day and then I snooze under his desk while he drinks coffee and works. We take a couple of walks every day (when it’s not too cold) and I like to look for squirrels. Mom is around a lot too, and she often rolls a cool rubber ball across the kitchen floor right after dinner. I like to help her out by going to get it and bringing it back to her. The silly thing is that she just rolls it away again...grown-ups are just weird sometimes.
Just so you know, my favorite things are my collection of Nylabones (the brown “flexibone” is my absolute best friend, yum), the bouncy ball I already mentioned, a yellow mini tennis ball toy and a plush ring that I love to run around with in my mouth.
I’ve been to our house in Maine a couple of times. I like it there because it’s a lot more open so I can run around better. We celebrated something called New Years there...and my new sisters had a bunch of their theater friends come over and sing show tunes and dance. I got a little over-excited and needed a time-out. I was told later that it was OK because lots of people over-do things on New Years and that I just needed to learn my limits. I was still pretty little, so I think I’d be much better now that I’m a whole 16 weeks old.
My puppy kindergarten is going well. I’m learning lots of new stuff that seem to make my mom and dad happy. The walks I take them on every day seem much more pleasant and I don’t get in trouble for jumping up on furniture that much anymore. I’m told that I have to work on not biting when I first meet people, but it’s just so exciting to meet new friends that I forget sometimes. I’ll try harder.
That’s all for now. Say hi to everyone for me. Love you Mommy!

I love you too Roscoe. Very Much.