Friday, May 14, 2010

The Museum of the Dog

Rufus sent me note about The Museum of The Dog in St. Louis.

Did Elsa tell you that we visited the American Kennel Club's Museum of the Dog when we were in St. Louis last weekend?
I think the best part was that they had Milk Bone biscuits at the front desk and that they allow dogs. I think it would be horrible if The Museum of the Dog didn't allow dogs to visit. Don't you? Well anyway they do. So don't worry.
My favorite thing in the museum was the poster from The Shaggy Dog movie. Probably cause I'm a shaggy dog.

I also liked all the antique dog show ribbons that they had on display. They just don't make ribbons like that anymore. I really think they should.

The other thing that really caught my eye were the old. elaborate dog collars. Some of them looked kinda scary and very heavy. They were neat objects, but I think I'll stick with my rolled-leather collar. Some of the collars were used for something called bear baiting. It sounds like bear bating was some inhumane practice. I'm not going to go into it here. It makes me too sad. But, it involved a bear tied to a chain and dogs trained to hunt. So creepy!

The museum also had posters of dogs trained for combat. That made me sad too.
The rest of the museum was mainly paintings and figurines of dogs. No Tibetan Terriers though. That was kinda lame. And, just between you and me, the gift shop was totally ghetto!
We are now back in Iowa and doing well.

Missing you.