Saturday, December 4, 2010

Smile You're on Canine Candids

I received the following message the other day.

"I have a lovely photo of your dog moving at the Lakeshore Kennel Club show in Chicago that I would love to send to you but I can't find an email address, you can see it though at my photo site, it's really too blurry to sell :) The lighting at Lake Shore was not the greatest for photography without some really fancy equipment!"

-Canine Candids by Lynda

Lynda followed up and sent several pics. The pics show Rufus on the table and in the ring taking Best of Winners.

Thank you Lynda!

Snow Shmo

You know how Tibetan Terrier people are always going on about how much their dogs love the snow and how cute it is and what not. Well it is true we do love the snow. But YAWN. I mean really is it that interesting? No, of course not. But while my dad was out at a friend's birthday party tonight getting all liquored up at the Corkscrew, it snowed liked mad here. And it is beautiful and it does really get me going. I do love to do a snowplow through the snow with my nose and dance a Kris Kringle jig. And when we all come back in the house dad tries to get us to "SHAKE." And we do. But we are still completely wet from the snow and the house is completely wet from us. And we do really need to find a cleaning lady or perhaps get cement floors with a great big drain in the middle that we can hose down occasionally when things get out of hand. And can we laminate the furniture or, perhaps, get rid of all the furniture and just buy cheap pillows at Walmart or Ikea or somewhere and all sleep together on the floor like they do in a YURT some places with chickens and pigs and beautiful carpets that smell like chicken and pigs and smoke.

It really is beginning to look a lot like Christmas (or Kwanzaa or Hanukah or what not).