Thursday, December 24, 2009

Buster Came Home

Buster, one of the boys from my first litter, came home yesterday to pick up his new sister. Little Bitsy, that's what I've been calling her, seemed a bit overwhelmed by all the confusion. Well, there was lots of barking and snarling, and a bit of teeth bearing between Buster, Angus, and Roxie. I must admit I even tried to mix it up with Buster. It wasn't exactly what you'd call a Norman Rockwell Christmas homecoming. After things settled down a bit, Buster had a biscuit, rummaged through the pantry and collected his new sister. Actually, his aunt tucked Bitsy inside her warm down Parka and they went off into the night headed for a Christmas in Boston with relatives and two other Tibetan Terriers before they head back home to Virginia. I made a little video of Buster's homecoming. I call it "Buster Comes Home."

Earlier in the day Roscoe went home with his new family. Yep, that's his new name Roscoe. His new dad wrote me and explained:

"As for a name...we’re thinking Roscoe...after Roscoe Turner, the 1930s racing pilot. I have a great love for anything aviation, especially from the “golden age” of the 20s, 30s and 40s. We considered Lindy...Lucky, Wilber or Orville, Curtiss (after Glenn Curtiss), Piper and more. Amelia was considered early-on if it was a female pup. Roscoe was the one that resonated with the rest of the household."

Also had news that Elsa and Rufus made it safely to Iowa and that they were SO GOOD during their 18-hour drive home. I understand they met the rest of the members of their new family when they arrived last night and that they slept through the night without a single whimper. I'm so proud of them.

I hope to have more news to share soon.

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