Friday, February 19, 2010


I received the most wonderful note from my boy Sherpa. He is so handsome and has quite a way with words. I love you Sherpa.

I can't believe I celebrated my 4 month birthday last week. A lot has happen since I left home........... Last week-end I went to the groomer to have my nails trimmed and a wash & dry (dad says he doesn't do nails)......When we arrived at the groomers, the groomer told dad she would trim around my eyes and my paws....I could see panic in dad's face because I knew he didn't want my eyes or paws trimmed.....It was all so new and he really wants me to look like older brother Angus....The only trimming he wanted was my bottom clipped for sanitary purposes, but did not want me to have a baboon butt either....
Dad didn't want to offend the groomer or come across as a know-it- all (you know some hair cutters can be temperamental or
even bitchy) so he asked the groomer to do him a favor...In his kindest voice....he asked "please work with me and Sherpa as this is a new experience for both of us, I would like to start out with a full coat and if we decide it's too difficult to manage we can make adjustments along the way". ...I could hear dad say under his breath if I wanted my dog to look like a Snoucher I would have gotten a Snoucher :) ...... He also asked the groomer to trim my bottom. The groomer responded with a
big smile and said "I absolutely understand and I'll also be sure his butt doesn't look like a baboon from behind". I think dad and my new groomer (Angelia) are best friends, when he came to pick me up, everyone was all smiles and I looked like a
million bucks..... if I do say so myself......:-) Angelia also told us she was excited we were going to try to go with a full coat and she looked forward to working with us......Dad knows he made some assumptions about the groomer... :) but he was going to be leaving precious cargo and didn't want to rock the boat.......

Oh, I almost forgot....before I went to the groomer I went to doggie playtime at "the Good Dog Spot" not far from my house......From 9:00-10:00 am on Saturday mornings lots of pups and smaller dogs get to hang out and play in this great big room and also run outside to an area that is fenced in......I met lots of new friends, there were about 15 of us jumping, running, barking, sniffing butts and having a ball......Dad calls it socializing, I call
it FUN!!!

The next day my dads and I went to my second obedience training class...I thought it was going to be a lot of work, but once I got there I realized they were teaching them, not me :)....I'm a smart little guy, all you have to do is reward me positively and I'll do anything....They both had a clicker and when I was good I got a treat...SIT, DOWN, STAY,
etc. .....This was fun I can't wait for my next class.......

I'm looking forward to spring and many more new adventures.

Miss you.

Big hugs-Sherpa

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